
TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper


TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper | There are 5 subspecies of tigers in the world. Tigers still exists now spread across Bangladesh, India, Siberia, China, Iran, Afghanistan, and South East Asia. Types of Tigers are currently still living are:

1. Bengal Tigers (Phantera tigris tigris)

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TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

This type of Tiger, also known as the Tiger of India. The regional spread of the bengal tiger, among others, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The current estimated population of Bengal tiger is no more than 2.500 tail. In 2011 the number of reported adult bengal tiger in India approximately 1,520-1.909, tail 440 in Bangladesh, in Nepal 155 tail, and tail 75 in Bhutan. Bengal tiger habitat is on alluvial grasslands, tropical rain forest, tropical forests, moist forests, dry forests, and forests of mangrov.

2. Indochina Tigers (Phantera Tigris Corbetti)

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Tigers are also referred to as Tigers corbet and can be found in the territory of Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, and Viet Nam. Tigers are smaller and darker compared to the bengal tiger. Indonecina Tiger Habitat is the forest in a mountain region or the hills. Estimated population of Tigers of Indochina is currently around 350 tail only.

3. The Malayan Tiger (Panthera Tigris Jacksoni)

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They can only be found in the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia. The Malayan Tiger is a national icon of Malaysia. This new type of Tiger is recognized as one of the subspecies of tigers in 2004. The current estimated number of Malayan Tigers, only about 500 tails.

4. Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Peer)

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

Tigers of this type can only be found on the island of Sumatra. The Sumatran tiger is a type of small-sized Tiger most of all species of Tiger. The Sumatran tiger population currently estimated there are only about 400-500. They are one of the species that is a ' critical '.

5. Siberian Tiger (Panthera Tigris Altaica)

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The Tiger is also known as the Amur Tiger because they live in the region of the Amur-Ussuri far to the East Siberian Tiger kind. they are the largest in the family. In 2005 there were approximately 331-393 Siberian Tiger tail adult and teen.

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

TIGER - Jungle Animals HD Wallpaper

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