The "Thirty Maidens of Geneva"
The famous “Thirty Maidens of Geneva” were real little girls who, by a curious twist, became the centre of an elaborate and highly lucrative financial strategy to take advantage of life annuities issued by the French government in the 1770s and 1780s. To revolutionaries like Jean-Pierre Cambon, the scheme constituted a damning indictment of the financial incompetence of the ancien regime, the "imbecillity of our old government "(note 33) . It modern historian described it as the epitome of "rococo finance" (Herbert Lüthy, La banque protestante en France, 1959, p.469)

The move was not simply "imbecility", but a response to a pressing need to attract more speculative capital.
The scheme began as the exclusive domain of the Genevan banks through their branches in Paris; though the initiative was later extensively emulated elsewhere, roughly a third of all third-party annuities after 1775 continued to be held in Geneva. The organisation was the brainchild of the banker Jacob Bouthillier Beaumont, who set up his first investment syndicate for the annunity issue of 1763, refined in 1771 into the so-called "Syndicat de Trente Demoiselles". The idea was to take out a large number of annuities on different "heads" (the most common number being thirty), then place them into a common investment pool. Not only did this reduce the risk represented by premature deaths, but, since the annuities were not tied to a particular life, they could be be packaged much more easily into negotiated assets. Bankers increased their profit by parcelling small amounts of their pool for resale, and by restructured the dividends into other investments.

How did they fare?
There were a certain number of well-publicised misfortunes The operations of 1780-82 saw several premature deaths. Little Jeanne Pictet, with 164,469 livres on her head, died at the age of only four and in July 1788 Pernette Elizabeth Martin, took with her to her grave no less than 212, 197 livres in rentes, more than the 200,000 livres thought to have been riding on Marie-Antoinette herself. On the whole, however, diligent care and the pure Swiss air worked their magic. Of the first "thirty demoiselles", twenty-five were still alive at the end of twenty years and another early syndicate achieved an average life span of sixty-three years, far in excess of that predicted by the actuarial information available at the time. Of twenty-two heads assured in 1778, fifteen were still alive in 1820 and two lived to over eighty - this despite living through turbulent times.
More difficult to assess, is the toll of the annuities on French public finances. According to James Macdonald, resale of shares in the Genevan syndicates made only a modest mark-up, suggesting that expected rates of return on life-annuities were roughly in line with other forms of government loans. The real problem for the French government was not so much the form of French debt - or even the total owed - but the high rate of servicing borrowing (according to modern estimates 7.3% after 1726 as opposed to just over 3% in Great Britain). It would seem this was as much more to do with fear of default and failure of public confidence - and the perceived as much as the real "imbecillity" of Royal financial policy.
Marc Cramer, “Les trente Demoiselles de Genève et les billets solidaires”, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), 1946, vol. 82(2), p.109-38.
François Velde and David Weir, “The Financial market and government debt policy in France, 1746-93,” Journal of Economic History, Mar.1992, p.1-39 [on JStor]
James Macdonald, A Free Nation Deep in Debt (2006), "The Dilemma" p.239ff. [Extracts on Google Books]
Mercier, Tableau de Paris, LXXVI:"Rentiers"
This is the name given to those who have placed their capital in life annuities, making the King their sole heir and selling out their posterity for 10 percent. They have disinherited brothers, nephews, cousins, friends, and sometimes even their own children. They don't marry, but just sit around waiting for their payout, congratulating themselves each morning that they are not yet dead. Every six months they go to the corner Notary and sign to certify that they are still alive.
Whatever money they make, they immediately reinvest, so that capital which could have fed commerce and sustained industry, languishes forever in the royal coffers....
Pierre-Joseph Cambon, Report to the National Convention on public debt in the form of life annuities (1794)
....Based on these observations, one may put [life annunities] among the class of ruinous loans made by the former government; at a flat rate of 10 per cent on all heads, it was in everyone's interest to choose young heads; it is to this cause, at least in part that the disorder of French finances must be attributed.
These loans were made even more disadvantageous by the refined speculation of certain financiers in the final years of the monarchy. They chose, in a clean country, in a little Republic sheltered from the ravages of war, children of five to six, that they had innoculated and on whom they lavished the greatest care; boys were given a small pension not to leave their country or engage in a dangerous profession. Since the repeated observations of human life expectancy had shown that women in every country live longer than men, speculators prefered to take out their life annuities on the heads of little girls. In this way the flat rate annuities issued by the former government between 1779 and 1787 were made very advantageous to lenders and very onerous to the state.
There were some companies who pushed their speculation further. Seeing that mortality of the women and girls of geneva, of whom the sound constitution, healthy lifestyle, the wealth and stablility of their country are the most probable. They assembled together with the doctors to chose yooung girls who, having passed the dangers of infant disease, seemed to have the best constitution; all the recommendations of the doctors were put together to form a list from which, for each new issue, they chose thirty heads.They drew up for each one a certain number of contracts, to unit annual income and life anueties, and then divided them equally between all the participants.
It was thus that they played on the imbecility of our former government, and that enormous fortunes were acquired, without paying penny, but simply by lending credit.