
Did You Know That There’s an Online Community About Stapling Bread To Trees?

Turns out there’s an online community /r/BreadStapledToTrees with almost 150,000 active members that spend their days stapling bread to trees and sharing the photos with other members online. We truly live in an amazing time!

Inbread tree.

Bread stapled to a tree.


Baca Juga

Smiling bread slice stapled to a tree.

Various types of bread stapled to a tree.

Toast stapled to a tree.

Why, though?

The bread tree.

Bread loaf stapled to a tree.

Bread slices stapled to a tree.

Smiling bread stapled to a tree.

Toast stapled to a tree branch.

Bread stapled to a tree for no good reason.

Bread slices stapled to a tree.

Bread stapled to a tree for no reason.

Two bread slices stapled to a tree.

Bread stapled to a tree.

Bread slices stapled to a tree.

from Crazy Funny Pictures http://bit.ly/2RmgaGH

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