Funny Links From Around The Internet
Life In Russia According To AI – Grannies with knives, guns, Adidas tracksuits and bears… When AI scans the internet for all things Russian, it forms images based on the information it gathers. And well, the results are… hilarious.
The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Ellis Rosen – Funny and clever cartoons to make your day better.
Very Strange People On Public Transit – Some people are weird, some people are insane, and then there are freaks you see on public transit.
Older Brother Gets a Taste of Instant Karma – It’s always funny to look at people failing (and falling). Especially if it’s your annoying sibling.
Useful Pills For Your Coworkers – Do you have coworkers who suffer from a serious case of a**holism? These pills should cure them once and for all.
Baca Juga
Pooping Butt Tea Infuser – Excellent gift idea for a friends who is obsessed with butts and has a juvenile sense of humor.
Top 5 Darkly Absurd Horror Books – Horror and comedy make strangely comforting bedfellows.
Middle Finger Gallery For Your Enemies – Sometimes, things are just better said with an image. No need for words.
People Wearing T-shirts They Shouldn’t Be – Someone just needs to set fire to all these t-shirts. The sooner the better.
Double Mustache: Best Or Worst Facial Hairstyle? – It’s not easy to be a fashionable man in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Just one mustache is no longer enough. Now must have two keep up with the times with a double mustache.
Still bored to tears and want to see more funny and entertaining links? You should check out Linkiest and Leenks!
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