
Post Apocalyptic Nature Scene

A post apocalyptic video background for wallpaper engine.

How to Install

  1. Download the archive and extract it to Steam\steamapps\common\wallpaper_engine\projects\defaultprojects
  2. Select "Post Apocalyptic Nature Scene 1080p 60fps" on Wallpaper Engine.

Or just install via Steam, using the link down below.

File Info

"description" : "Post apocalyptic scene I created in Unreal Engine. It lasts 2min and has a subtle fade loop near the end. Size is 200mb. Scene can be displayed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HFnR43ms1k at the end of the video. Would love to hear some feedback.\r\n\r\nTha",
"file" : "Apoc1.0000.mp4",
"general" :
"properties" :
"schemecolor" :
"order" : 0,
"text" : "ui_browse_properties_scheme_color",
"type" : "color",
"value" : "0 0 0"
"preview" : "preview.jpg",
"tags" : [ "Nature" ],
"title" : "Post Apocalyptic Nature Scene 1080p 60fps",
"type" : "Video",
"visibility" : "public",
"workshopid" : 917043694


If you don't have Wallpaper Engine you can buy it from the link down below

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